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  • by Sam Marron-Bonathan

With the 2019/2020 Ice and Inline Hockey season finsihing prematurely it doesn't mean it's the end of hockey. Bauer has launched the campaign #HockeyAtHome to help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus as people across the world are being asked to stay home. We fully support this initiative and understand the importance of social distancing in minimizing the impact of the virus. However, we can't live without hockey, and we know you can't either.

We have heaps of training accessories to keep you game ready along with outdoor wheels and inline hockey skates to keep your feet moving and to stay active.  

Show us how you are staying in the game at home! Share your pictures, videos, and stories using #HockeyAtHome and #SkateStationUK. Over the next few weeks, we will be posting ideas on how to have fun, train, and stay connected with the greatest game on earth.

Checkout some Hockey at Home clips on our youtube channel

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